Your Blood Type Reveals Much About Your Health Present Condition
Do you know that women with blood type A is believed to be more fertile? However, they are also more likely to have stomach cancer illness. People with blood type O have lesser risk of heart attacks. But they are at increased risk of high blood pressure. Those with blood type B are at higher risk of pancreatic cancer. Blood has 4 group types and they are divide into, A, B, AB and O and most of us know about this division. Then there are 2 Rh factors, symbolized by plus and minus. The Rh factors are what we inherit from our parents. According to the Nazi doctor, Dr. Otto Rehe, the Aryans have group A blood type and they are considered superior to those having blood type B. Due to this reason research related to understanding the importance of blood types for human health was not taken as crucially for a long time. But modern researches show that specific blood types are correlated to specific diseases. They also show the benefits of each blood group for human heal...